Chapter 13. | Section 3.

Section 3. Styles of Leadership

What is leadership style?

___You understand that a leader's style is the way in which she carries out the process of convincing people to pursue particular goals, and to keep them at that task until the goals have been reached.

Why pay attention to leadership style?

___You know that its leader's style usually sets the tone for an organization.

___You know that the style of an organization's leader needs to be consistent with the organization's philosophy and mission if both the leader and the organization are to be effective.

Conceptions and methods of leadership.

___You're familiar with the following conceptions of leadership:

  • Exercising power.
  • Gaining and exercising the privileges of high status.
  • Being the boss.
  • Task orientation.
  • Taking care of people.
  • Empowerment.
  • Providing moral leadership.

___You're familiar with the following methods of leadership:

  • Pure exercise of power.
  • Political scheming.
  • Using relationships.
  • Setting an example.
  • Persuasion.
  • Sharing power.
  • Charisma.
  • Involving followers in the goal.
  • Various combinations of these and other methods.

___You understand that a leader's conception(s) of leadership and his preferred method(s) of leading do much to create his leadership style.

Some ways of looking at leadership styles and their effects on an organization

___You can recognize four leadership styles and their effects on an organization :

  • Autocratic
  • Managerial
  • Democratic
  • Collaborative

___You understand the difference between transactional and transformational leadership .

___You understand that a transactional or transformational stance can interact with any leadership style.

How do you determine what is an appropriate style?

___You know that different styles are appropriate at different times and in different circumstances.

___You know that a style, to be effective, has to be consistent with the expectations of people in the organization, at least initially.

___You know that a style needs to be consistent with the goals, mission, and philosophy of the organization.

How do you choose and develop a leadership style?

___You start with yourself.

___You think about the needs of the organization or initiative.

___You observe and learn from other leaders.

___You use the research on leadership.

___You believe in what you're doing.

___You are prepared to change.