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  1. Chapter 3, Section 23. Developing and Using Criteria and Processes to Set Priorities - Main Section

    ... health and human service providers School personnel Public officials Those whose jobs or lives will be affected by ... The use of a democratic process The creation of a forum where all voices can be heard The feasibility of the plan and of ...

  2. Example 6: Outreach to Most-at-Risk Populations Through SIDC in Lebanon

    ... to the National AIDS Control Programme (NAP), Ministry of Public Health (2008) research indicates high risk rates in these populations: ... their own workers (Dar al Amal, Oui pour la Vie, Helem, NGO Forum Saida); and Five Hosting NGOs who are members of the referral network and ...

  3. Capítulo 3, Sección 4. Recolectar información sobre el problema - Sección Principal

    ... health disparities, e) Single-point access to thousands of public data sources, such as the U.S. Census Bureau and the Behavioral Risk ... Boston, MA: Little Brown and Co. The Healthcare Forum Leadership Center's Healthier Communities Partnership (1993).  ...

  4. Chapter 6, Section 19. Handling Crises in Communication - Main Section

    ... wrong? Are opponents right in any of their objections? Is a public or private apology or retraction in order? What are the consequences ... It could be the press or other mass media, a public forum, word of mouth, the depends on whom you're trying to reach, ...

  5. Chapter 27, Section 11. Building Inclusive Communities - Tools

    ... where residents are not getting along and there is no forum for addressing the tensions. Geographic and Institutional: The program will focus on the nonprofit and public institutions within a neighborhood that are operating independently or ...

  6. Chapter 26, Section 10. Establishing Neighborhood Beautification Programs - Main Section

    ... Signage . Signs can identify and advertise businesses and public buildings, regulate vehicle traffic and parking, inform people of laws ... to a neighborhood website, or on a neighborhood Internet forum. Send feedback by e-mail. Post feedback to a Facebook or other ...

  7. Chapter 12, Section 6. Organizing a Teleconference - Main Section

    ... their own schedules, and interaction is by e-mail or online forum, so that these courses aren’t examples of teleconference use. ... workshop offered by a state oversight agency (Department of Public Health, Department of Education, Division of Employment and Training, ...

  8. Capítulo 25, Sección 5. Cambiar políticas para incrementar los fondos destinados a iniciativas en favor del desarrollo y la salud comunitaria - Sección Principal

    ... de su organización. Por ejemplo, "Charity Lobbying in the Public Interest" (Centro del Cabildeo en el Interés Público) sugiere que su ... Sector. INDEPENDENT SECTOR is a national leadership forum, working to encourage philanthropy, volunteering, not-for-profit ...

  9. Chapter 11, Section 4. Developing Training Programs for Volunteers - Main Section

    ... Independent Sector  is a national leadership forum that encourages philanthropy, volunteering, not-for-profit initiative, ... Sister: A study of program practices . Philadelphia, PA: Public/Private Ventures. Herman, R. (Ed.). (1994).  The Jossey-Bass ...

  10. Chapter 11, Section 3. Developing Volunteer Orientation Programs - Main Section

    ... Independent Sector  is a national leadership forum, that encourages philanthropy, volunteering, not-for-profit initiatives ... Sister: A study of program practices . Philadelphia, PA: Public/Private Ventures. Haines, M. (1977). Volunteers: How to find them? ...
