Tool 1: Community resource inventory for recognizing allies Completing this table will help you determine who your allies might be for your advocacy campaign and what they are doing, or could be doing, about the issue. Sources of Allies Potential Allies What are they doing? (or what could they be doing on the issue)? Contacted? Who is already working on the issue in your community? Possible other allies based on general information sources Yellow pages Social service directory Neighborhood assistance groups Chamber of Commerce City Hall Members of your own group, colleagues, and friends Others Tool 2: Potential allies risks vs. benefits exercise This table will help you recognize the risks and benefits each potential ally faces when considering joining your group. Knowing these is important when contacting potential allies to join you. The following table shows how a group of people who organized to reduce school violence might go about determining who cares about their issue. The Problem: Increasing violence between students at Happy Valley High School. Your group wants to hire a security guard as a part of a program to reduce violence at the school. Ask yourself: Examples What are the benefits? What do they gain if you win? What are the risks? Whose problem is it? Students - Safer schools - A better learning environment - Stricter rules/codes at school - less freedom Teachers - Safety for themselves and students - Increased job satisfaction - Might get blamed for stricter rules Parents - Children are safe - Better education for their children - Might lead to a tax increase - Other financial costs Local education board - Increased community support - May be expensive, which might decrease political support, especially if the program is not successful A blank Potential Allies Risks vs Benefits form for you to fill out for your allies: Ask yourself: Examples What are the benefits? What do they gain if you win? Whar are the risks? What might they lose? Whose problem is it? Tool 3: Ally Power Grid This table will help clarify the power(s) a potential ally may bring to your group, and thereby help identify which allies will are the most valuable to your group. Type of Power Power Appraisal: Do they have a lot of it or not? Give an example Members: How many members does the group have? Money: Will they donate money to your issue? Credibility: Do they bring special credibility? Appeal: Do they have special appeal? Network: Are they part of a large, organized network? Reputation: Do they have a reputation for toughness? Skills: Do they have special skills? Newsworthy: Are they particularly newsworthy? Other: