___You know what a public demonstration is. ___You know the goals of a public demonstration, including: Advocacy Support Protest Counter-demonstration Public relations Action ___You know which goal(s) you would like your demonstration to accomplish. ___You know the different forms a demonstration can take: Marches/parades Rallies Picketing Sit-ins Vigils Street theater ___You know which form you would like your demonstration to take. ___You know why you might organize a demonstration: Other methods have failed Timing Public impact To energize your constituency To draw attention ___You have decided when to have your demonstration. The four bases of putting together a public demonstration have been covered: ___Planning, planning, planning ___Lead time ___Communication ___Follow-up Planning, planning, planning -- you have: ___Decided what you want to accomplish ___Decided on specifics you would like to see happen at the demonstration ___Decided who you are trying to reach ___Planned your program ___Chosen a place for the demonstration ___Decided on a specific date and time ___Figured out how to get people to attend ___Worked out the logistics ___Been proactive in your efforts to confront possible problems Lead time -- you have: ___Allowed yourself plenty of time to reach your demonstration goals ___Found a large space in advance ___Booked guests far in advance Communication -- you have: ___Designed an effective communication system ___Developed a plan for publicizing the demonstration ___Orchestrated media coverage ___Ensured good communication before, after, and during the demonstration Follow-up -- you have followed up, both immediately following the demonstration and on the long-term by: ___Contacting your intended audience ___Keeping up with your constituents ___Publicizing your success ___Attempting to attain media coverage ___Organizing other events with the same focus ___Institutionalizing the demonstration