Person-to-person interview: ___You have practiced public speaking ___You are prepared for all possible questions ___You have developed several "sound bites" ___You have prepared background information for the reporters ___If appropriate, you have visual aids ___You have made good eye contact during the interview ___You were alert ___You were conscious of your body language and what it communicated ___Enthusiasm was shown when appropriate ___You have communicated a certain image of your organization with your appearance ___The continuity and consistency of your presentation was controlled by you ___You have built a stronger connection with the interviewer ___You spoke clearly but did not raise your voice ___You were discrete and polite, but not passive ___You have avoided arguing, but you were assertive when necessary ___You were not pressured to answer a question that made you uncomfortable ___You remained focused ___You have summarized the main points ___You thanked the reporter for their time ___You have offered to be available for any further clarification ___You have asked for a correction in print or on the air if the facts were misrepresented ___You were professional and courteous at all times When you call a reporter: ___You found out when the reporter was most likely to be available ___You explained your credentials and your organization ___You have asked if the reporter is available to talk ___You were confident and assertive ___You have explained your suggested story and why it is significant ___You gave the important facts first ___You have provided information as to where the reporter can verify the information and collect more ___Responses were simple and to the point When a reporter calls you: ___You asked them to call back if it was not a good time ___You have answered the questions to the best of your ability ___You have suggested your own news angle ___You used words and phrases that help frame your issue ___If you didn't know the answer, you helped the reporter find a different source Television and radio appearances: ___You found out the format of the program ___You know the point of view and how issues are typically presented ___You know who the host is and who the other guests are ___You know how much time will be allotted to your issue ___You have watched or listened to a broadcast of the show before your appearance ___You have done role playing to prepare ___You wore solid colors for a television appearance ___If you couldn't fit everything in, you stuck to the most important ideas and repeated them ___You brought notecards to help you remember what to say ___You spoke clearly and confidently, using hand gestures when necessary ___You asked to have a question repeated when necessary ___The audience was encouraged to get involved ___You watched or listened to a recording of the program to learn from it Press conference: ___You presented a significant story ___A lot of varied media representatives were invited ___You have allowed plenty of time for preparation ___The spokesperson represents the image you want for your issue ___Your goals were clear throughout