What is a community report card? ___A community report card is a tool for reporting progress – or lack of progress – toward a community goal ___A community report card can serve to document and direct the progress toward that goal ___A community report card only brings a message. The people who issue and receive it must be the actual agents of change Why might you create a community report card? ___People understand it ___Selection of a few key issues or categories helps focus attention for problem solving ___Report cards effectively communicate a general message, yet allow for more specific levels of detail You might create a community report card: ___To communicate the facts of a situation – to your own group or a wider audience ___To interpret the facts ___To raise awareness of an issue in the general public or more specific audiences ___To define goals ___To prompt action ___To influence policy ___To help make a case for a new initiative ___To be accountable to those you serve ___To hold others accountable What are the common elements of community report card? ___A statement of purpose, possibly with a call to action ___The report card itself ___Explanations of chosen indicators and benchmarks ___An objective measuring system that can show progress toward stated How do you create a community report card? ___Decide what your purpose is in producing a report card. Form a working group to determine what you want to communicate, to whom, and for what reason ___Set a timeline for your project that relates to your goals ___Determine the essential actors and actions ___Identify indicators related to your goals ___Identify benchmarks for each indicator that are meaningful and measurable ___Determine your grading scale and system ___Compile the data for your indicators and benchmarks, then translate into a grade based on your predetermined system ___Produce the report card (print and/or electronic) How do you use a community report card? ___Publicize and distribute the report card ___Tell people what they can do ___Continue to call attention to the important grades and the actions you want them to prompt ___Update the report card