What do we mean by policies? ___Policies are the written or unwritten guidelines that governments, organizations and institutions, communities, or individuals use when responding to issues and situations. You address: ___Official government policies. ___Policies made by government bureaucracies, and by public services such as police and fire departments. ___The policies of foundations and other private funders. ___Policies of businesses. ___Policies of the media. ___Policies adopted by the community as a whole. Why try to change policies? You change policies because: ___Addressing policies can start a community conversation about the issues in question. ___Changing policy is easier in the long run than fighting the same battles over and over again. ___Changed policies can change people's minds and attitudes. ___Changed policies have effects on the next generation. ___Policy change is the path to permanent social change. Who should try to change policies? To change polices, you turn to: ___A broad-based coalition. ___An organization that works with those affected by the policies in question. ___A grass roots community initiative. ___A concerned professional association. ___A determined individual. When should you try to change policies? You make an effort to change policies when: ___It's an election year. ___The issue first arises. ___A crisis is reached, and it's clear the current policy isn't working. ___Public opinion has reached critical mass. ___There's a specific debate about the issue. ___New information changes perceptions about the issue. ___A publication or other source brings an issue to the public attention. How do you go about changing policies? ___You try to change policies by using the 8 P's: Planning Preparation Personal contact Pulse of the community Positivism Participation Publicity