Here you will find a checklist summarizing the important points of the section.
What is a neighborhood cleanup program?
__ A neighborhood cleanup program is an ongoing project that assumes that effort will be maintained.
__ There are three kinds of neighborhood cleanups:
- Public space cleanup: neighborhood volunteers clean public spaces.
- Household cleanup: households clean up property and put out hard-to-dispose-of waste for special collection.
- Community-assisted cleanup: the community helps with permits, permissions, removing abandoned vehicles, etc.
__ In any of these cleanups, the community may supply tools, equipment, and/or employees to help neighborhood volunteers.
Why conduct a neighborhood cleanup program?
__ A neighborhood cleanup program can instill neighborhood pride.
__ It can break a cycle of hopelessness and helplessness.
__ It gives everyone a chance to contribute.
__ A cleanup program enhances neighborhood quality of life.
__ It can improve the self-image of residents and of the neighborhood as a whole.
__ A neighborhood cleanup program can improve neighborhood health.
__ It can help to "green" the neighborhood.
__ It makes the neighborhood more attractive to business.
__ It can serve as a springboard for other neighborhood actions or activities.
__ It can increase the number of relationships and the amount of social capital within the neighborhood.
__ A neighborhood cleanup program can encourage the embrace of diversity.
Who should be involved in a neighborhood cleanup program?
__ Any significant racial or ethnic groups, including the majority group.
__ Youth.
__ Elders.
__ People with disabilities.
__ Faith communities.
__ Property owners, including absentee owners.
__ Renters.
__ Neighborhood business owners and managers.
__ Neighborhood clubs and associations.
__ Health and human service organizations that serve the neighborhood.
__ School personnel.
__ Neighborhood and/or municipal officials.
When should you conduct a neighborhood cleanup program?
__ When the weather is good.
__ When volunteers are available.
__ When the municipality can help.
__ When open spaces and streets in the neighborhood are covered with waste.
__ When the municipality provides the opportunity.
__ When waste presents a danger to children or others.
__ When waste presents a danger to health.
__ When the neighborhood is interested in economic development.
__ When you want to bring the neighborhood together.
__ When the neighborhood seems to have lost hope.
How do you conduct a neighborhood cleanup program?
__ Recruit or find a core group to begin the effort.
__ Put together a planning group that represents all groups in the neighborhood.
__ Assess the neighborhood.
__ Decide what kind of neighborhood cleanup you want to conduct.
__ Consider your resources.
__ Pick an appropriate place, date and time.
__ Recruit volunteers.
__ Organize volunteers.
__ Plan the cleanup itself.
- Coordinate the effort.
- Ask for help from the municipality.
- Get permissions and permits.
- Decide what actually needs to be done.
- Manage volunteers.
- Work with the media to gain positive publicity.
- Take care of the nitty gritty.
- Make the cleanup fun.
- Celebrate when you're done.
__ Run the cleanup.
__ Monitor and record your efforts.
__ Create a structure to keep the effort going.
__ Start planning for the next cleanup.