___You understand what internal communication is
___You understand the advantages of using internal communication and have promoted it
Organizational climate and culture:
___You have practiced what you preach
___You trust everyone similarly
___You made sure information flows in all directions
Clear definitions of what needs to be communicated and by whom:
___You have communicated issues affecting anyone's work conditions or status to the individual or individuals
___You have made sure problems between staff members are addressed immediately
___You have made sure pertinent and important information is communicated to everyone involved
___You have used systems to promote internal communication
- Hiring
- Staff Training
- Supervision
- Regular Meetings
- Procedures and clear lines of communication for dealing with out-of-the-ordinary situations
- Accessibility of everyone in the organization
- Occasional or institutionalized opportunities to socialize, either at work or elsewhere
Monitoring and improving internal communication:
___You have checked staff satisfaction with the information they receive
___You have gathered feedback from staff meetings
___You've made internal communication a topic at organization meetings
___You have tested information flow though the organization