Tool # 1 - Organizing a Coalition Healthy People 2020 provides a list of important questions to consider before organizing a coalition, in a printable format that allows you to fill out answers to the questions and/or distribute them to a planning group. Tool # 2 - Brainstorm: Potential Partners A checklist from Healthy People that will help you think of all possibilities for potential partners for your effort. Tool # 3 - Prioritizing Issues Healthy People provides an exercise that will assist you in determining which issues it is most important for your effort to undertake. Tool # 4 - Brainstorm: Community Assets A checklist from Healthy People to assist you in determining community assets that are available. Tool # 5 - Setting Targets for Objectives Healthy People provides national and state standards and other helpful guidelines to assist you in setting reasonable goals for your initiative. Tool # 6 - Defining Terms This page from Healthy People provides clear definitions of many of the terms – vision, baseline data, etc. – you might use in discussing your plan. Tool # 7 - Potential Health Measures Healthy People provides a list of some possible indicators to consider measuring to track your initiative's progress. Tool # 8 - Coalition Self-Assessment This anonymous coalition self-assessment from Healthy People allows members to rate the group and its staff, leaders, and members on a variety of factors important to the effective functioning of a coalition Tool # 9 - Communication Plan Template A template from Healthy People to assist you in creating an effective communication plan for your effort. Tool # 10 - Measuring Progress Healthy People provides helpful formulas for quantitatively measuring your progress.