Chapter 12. | Section 6.

Section 6. Organizing a Teleconference

What is a teleconference?

___A teleconference is a meeting of three or more people who are separated by distance, using electronic communication.

___Teleconferences may include one, or some combination, of three types of communication: audio, video, and data (documents, images, computer files, etc.)

Why would you organize a teleconference?

___Professional development.

___Collaboration on countywide, statewide, or national programs or initiatives.

___Education and distance learning.

___Idea sharing.

___The communication of rules, regulations, expectations, etc.

___Consultation with experts.

___Establishment of connections among participants.

___Extension of the reach of an important speaker, awards ceremony, annual meeting, etc.


___Meetings among colleagues separated by distance.

When would you organize a teleconference?

___When travel is not feasible because of conditions, time, and/or expense.

___When you want to involve a very large number of people.

___When regular, reasonably frequent, meetings must be held among people in widespread locations.

___When computer files that need to be viewed and/or manipulated by a number of people as the conference goes on are integral to the purpose of the conference.

___When an immediate decision has to be made and people need to be convened in a timely manner.

Who should organize a teleconference?

Initiators might include:


___State agencies

___Hospitals or other centers of training and practice

___Colleges and universities

___State or national professional associations

___Lead agencies in collaborations that span several communities

___Professional consultants or suppliers that have been hired by one of the above entities to provide training, evaluation, equipment or software and instruction in its use, or other services to organizations or individuals engaged in health and community work.

Hosts might include:

___Local community organizations

___Local branches of state agencies

___Clinics or hospitals

___Schools, colleges, and universities

___Local chapters of professional associations

How do you organize a teleconference?

___Determine the purpose and topic of the conference.

___Identify your audience.

___Choose the technology.

___Organize host sites.

___Choose a date and time.

___Make arrangements with a service provider.

___Arrange for technical coordination at both the initiation point and host sites.

___Publicize the conference.

___Recruit and register participants.

___Prepare the sites.

___Welcome participants and do the paperwork.

___Hold the teleconference, encouraging participation and online chat as appropriate.

___Evaluate the teleconference.

___Follow up.