Why should you monitor progress and make adjustments in the social marketing campaign? ___You understand that social and other conditions change over time, and that a social marketing campaign has to change with them to remain successful. You pay careful attention to: ___Demographics ___Consumer preferences ___Trends and social conditions ___Social memory ___Communication channels What aspects of the campaign should you monitor? You know that you have to monitor both your campaign and your organization for: ___Effectiveness ___Efficiency ___Strategy How do you monitor and adjust a social marketing campaign? ___You measure campaign and organizational effectiveness by using one or more of the following: Sales analysis Market share analysis Expense-to-sales ratio A basic attitude measure A simple satisfaction/dissatisfaction scale A derived dissatisfaction measure Importance/performance ratings You monitor efficiency by examining how well you're using and responding to: ___Territory ___Market segment ___Distribution channels ___Competition You monitor strategy by looking at: ___Current social, political, economic, and other conditions, issues and trends in the larger world. ___Current issues and trends in your field. ___Current issues and trends in the community and among the target population. ___Long-term issues and trends in the larger world. ___Long-term issues and trends in your field. ___Long-term issues and trends in the community and among the target population. ___Depending upon the results of your monitoring, you make changes in the message, distribution, tone, or direction of your campaign or in the methods, systems, personnel, or general operation of your organization in order to continue to reach and meet the needs of the target population and to continue to conduct a successful social marketing effort.