A PowerPoint presentation summarizing the major points in the section.
- Section 1. Developing a Plan for Communication
- Section 2. Using Principles of Persuasion
- Section 3. Preparing Press Releases
- Section 4. Arranging News and Feature Stories
- Section 6. Preparing Guest Columns and Editorials
- Section 7. Preparing Public Service Announcements
- Section 8. Arranging a Press Conference
- Section 9. Using Paid Advertising
- Section 10. Creating Newsletters
- Section 11. Creating Posters and Flyers
- Section 12. Developing Creative Promotions
- Section 13. Creating Brochures
- Section 15. Creating Fact Sheets on Local Issues
- Section 16. Creating a Website
- Section 17. Using Email Lists
- Section 18. Using Direct Mail
- Section 19. Handling Crises in Communication
Chapter 6. | Section 11.