What is the Total Quality Management system?
___Total Quality Management refers to principles developed by W. Edwards Deming that encourage the development of a flexible, dynamic system which involves everyone in an organization in the production of goods that exactly meet the customer's needs, do precisely what they are supposed to do as effectively as possible every time at the best possible price, and are constantly being improved
Why is quality important for a grass roots organization?
___It increase the group's effectiveness at reaching its goals
___It adds strength and credibility to your organization/initiative
___It helps the organization fulfill the ethical obligation to provide the best service or advocacy possible
___It is more economical over the long run
___It has many positive effects on your organization
What are the basic principles of TQM?
___Customer focus
___Obsession with quality
___Continual improvement of systems
___Unity of purpose
___Employee involvement
___Education and training
___Scientific approach
___Long-term commitment
What are the steps of the Deming Cycle?
___Plan: Conduct research and plan for improvement
___Do: Produce the product
___Check: Check to be sure that the product meets planning goals
___Act: Market the product
___Analyze: Analyze how the product is received in the marketplace
How should you use TQM for your organization?
___Determine which elements of TQM are relevant to your situation, and which are not
___Commit your organization to maintaining quality performance through:
- Institutionalization of dynamism
- Long-range strategic planning
- Keeping at it forever
___Know what SWOT analysis is, and how to use it