Making Outcomes Matter


1. Identify indicators of success for the initiative.

  • The group has specific agreed upon outcomes to guide the work of the initiative.
  • There is a clear audience or identified stakeholders who care about the outcomes of the initiative.
  • The group has identified the key questions of interest for each identified target audience.

Core Supports:

2. Specify reporting requirements about the activities and outcomes of the initiative.

  • The group regularly communicates or reports the progress or status of the initiative internally to key leaders, members, and partners of the initiative.
  • The group is responsible for regularly communicating or providing reports regarding the progress of the initiative to important external audiences.
  • There are clear expectations and conditions for communicating or reporting the outcomes of the initiative to key stakeholders and target audiences.

Core Supports:

3. Use incentives and disincentives to encourage outstanding implementation of activities and improvement in outcomes.

  • The group has clearly established consequences associated with the performance or actions of the group.
  • There are clear consequences including incentives and disincentives associated with the attainment of the initiative's outcomes.
  • The group has identified the appropriate conditions for which the use of incentives and disincentives would enhance the efforts of the initiative.
  • The group has identified incentives or disincentives that are appropriate to be used by the initiative.
  • The group has identified the appropriate level within the initiative to use incentives or disincentives.
  • The rewards for the group are administered or supported by key stakeholders in positions of relative influence or authority for the initiative.
  • The group has incentives and disincentives to support the work of the initiative at multiple levels of the initiative.
  • The distribution or allocation of rewards is appropriate for the initiative’s current stage of development.
  • There is a timeline or schedule associated with the distribution or allocation of the majority of incentives and disincentives related to the efforts of the initiative.
  • The incentives or disincentives that are used matter to the group receiving the rewards.
  • The distribution of identified incentives/disincentives is based on the attainment of the intended objectives.

Core Supports:

4. Develop a system for documenting and providing feedback to monitor the activities and outcomes of the initiative.

  • The group documents the activities (implementation of the intervention) or efforts of the initiative in addressing the issue.
  • The group collects longer-term indicators or outcomes measures.
  • The group, including both the staff and board members, regularly review the evaluation questions and documented data to assess the progress of the initiative.
  • The group regularly shares and communicates data to key stakeholders and others with a stake in the initiative’s success.

Core Supports:

5. Arrange celebrations and public recognition for those who bring about change and improvement.

  • The group regularly celebrates the progress of the initiative in attaining anticipated outcomes.
  • The group regularly provides formal recognition for stakeholders for their contribution towards progress in attaining outcomes.

Core Supports: