Chapter 30. | Section 5.

Section 5. Identifying Opponents

Tool 1: Worksheet for identifying potential opponents

Completing this table will help you determine who might oppose your advocacy campaign and what they have at stake. This is an important first step to developing strategies for your advocacy campaign.

Example: Violence has been increasing between students at Happy Valley High School. Your group wants to implement a youth education program, along with hiring a security guard and an extra counselor trained in conflict resolution.

Ask yourself: Potential Opponents What might they lose if you win?
Who might lose something if you win? Taxpayers Association Money - higher taxes
  Chamber of Commerce Image - recognition of the problem may give the community a bad reputation
  Students Respect, dignity
  School Administration Staff Loss of image for the school


A blank Potential Opponents form for you to fill out:

Ask yourself: Potential Opponents What might they lose if you win?
Who might lose something if you win?






















Tool 2: Worksheet for Recognizing Your Opponent's Power

This table will not only help you recognize what power your opponents have, but also how they might use that power against you.

Example: How can you determine the potential powers of possible opponents to a group wanting to ban transporting chemical waste through their community? Just fill in the table.

Potential opponent What's at stake for them? Power the opponent has: Potential strategies your opponent may use:
Casey Jones' Rail Transport Company - Money - very expensive to re-route trains
- Jobs
- They have lots of financial and legal resources
- Strong lobbying group
- Tie you up in a long, costly legal battle
Karl's Carcinogens, Inc. - Money
- Time
- Jobs
- Financial resources
- Newsworthy (major regional employer)
- Credibility - several scientific "experts" who say their products aren't "that toxic"
- Try to portray your group as extremists to the media


 A blank Worksheet for Recognizing your Opponent's Power and Potential Strategies for you to fill out:

Potential Opponent What's at stake for them? Power the opponent has: Potential strategies your opponent may use: