Studying your opponents: ___Gives you up-to-date knowledge of the opponent's positions on the issue ___Tells you why the opponent is taking those positions ___Tells you what strategies and tactics the opponent has used in the past Knowledge about opponents is useful to: ___Identify potential problems earlier on, and sort them out before they become bigger problems ___Help you find ways to negotiate ___Help you develop successful strategies and tactics With regard to the timing of research: ___Studying the opponent should be an ongoing process ___Your opponents’ position may change over time; your response may need to change as well Studying can be either informal or formal. Informal methods may include: ___Keeping your eyes and ears open ___Looking at your opponent's previous activities and campaigns ___Reading their in-house publications and annual reports ___Talking to organizations and individuals who have dealt with your opponents in the past Studying individuals may involve: ___Finding out where they live and work ___Finding out how and where they manage financial transactions ___Identifying their advisors Studying agencies, companies or organizations may involve: ___Finding out their past records and tactics ___Finding out about their resources, strengths, and weaknesses ___Identifying their principle decision makers ___Finding out how much power they have, and why they are opposing you A formal, tactical investigation may be necessary: ___If the opponent is powerful ___If the opponent may be willing to act forcefully A formal investigation may involve the following steps: ___Develop an investigation plan ___Gather the information ___Think like your opponent ___Use the information Information can be gathered: ___Through informants with an interest in the issue ___Through "freedom of information" laws ___Through published sources of information Among published sources of information are: ___Business and trade publications ___Clipping files ___Reference works ___Government files on businesses ___Voting records ___Court records Gathering information about an opponent may involve some ethically questionable tactics. Groups should balance the benefits of these tactics against: ___Their own sense of what is ethically permissible ___The risk of getting caught ___The risk that the opponent would also adopt hardball tactics Thinking like the opponent will help a group: ___Predict what that opponent will do next ___Predict how the opponent would react to specific tactics Studying their opponent can help advocacy groups: ___Plan actions that will be most effective ___Publicize the opponent's weaknesses ___Perhaps act as whistle-blower, and seek legal redress