You understand that a community asset can be:
___A physical structure or place
___A business
___Everyone living in the community
You understand why you should identify community assets:
___Because external resources aren't always available
___To enable residents to gain control over their lives
___For more effective and longer-lasting improvement efforts
You understand when you should identify community assets:
___When you don't know what those assets are
___When community member's talents are underutilized
___When you are unable to provide traditional services
___When you want to encourage pride and ownership among community members
___When you want to strengthen existing relationships and build new ones
You know how to identify community assets:
___You know the size of the community
___You know who is available to do the work
___You know how much time you have for the task
___You know how much money is at your disposal
___You have decided what you want to do with the results
You understand how to identify the assets of groups:
___You have written what you know
___You have added other sources of information to your list
___You have refined and revised your list
You understand how to identify the assets of individuals:
___You have answered the "starting questions"
___You have decided on the geographic area you want to cover
___You have decided how many people you will ask
___You have drafted some questions you want to ask
___You have designed a method by which these questions can be asked
___You have tried out questions on a sample group
___You have collected your data
___You understand how to map community assets
You understand how you can use the assets you have identified:
___Target a particular area for development
___Tackle a new project
___Find new ways to bring groups together
___Publicize the assets
___Create a school curriculum
___Consider creating a "community coordinator"
___Keep records
___Set up a structured program for asset exchange
___Establish a review process for assets