Are you ready to write a successful grant proposal? ___You know what a grant is, and that funding comes from both private and public sectors ___You have reviewed recommendations for developing each standard section of a grant proposal, and determined how to clearly present information in a way that will elicit a positive response from grant reviewers ___You have conducted an efficient online search of supporting data for your needs / problem statement ___You have reviewed recommendations for presenting data in your grant proposal ___You have prepared a line item budget and its accompanying budget justification text ___You have written process and outcome objectives that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, timed, and challenging ___You have linked your budget request and your evaluation plan to proposed activities ___You have prepared a structured time line of activities using a GANTT chart ___You have identified feasible possibilities for how your proposed program can become self-sustainable Congratulations! You now have the skills and tools you need to write a winning grant proposal!