What are zoning and neighborhood design, and how do they work together? ___Zoning is a set of community laws and regulations that divides a community into various zones, and specifies what kinds of building, development, and economic activity can take place in each zone ___Neighborhood design refers not only to the design of buildings, but to the design of the neighborhood as a whole ___The type of zoning a community adopts can greatly shape the design of neighborhoods subject to that zoning Why use zoning and neighborhood design to influence the physical structure of your community? ___They can guide public spending toward the appropriate places by putting money into projects and improvements most needed and wanted by neighborhood residents ___They can foster economic and racial/ethnic diversity ___They can foster social interaction and mixing among neighbors, and among neighborhood residents from diverse backgrounds ___They can make the chores of daily life easier and more convenient ___They can provide health benefits from walking and biking ___They can create ease of travel and independence for everyone ___They can provide easy access to jobs ___They can afford residents savings on transportation ___They can produce environmental benefits ___They can foster development that’s energy efficient and environmentally responsible ___They can lead to more profit for developers, and more reasons for them to invest in affordable housing ___They can create a better commercial environment ___They can make for a physically and aesthetically more pleasant neighborhood ___They can foster safer and more secure neighborhoods ___They can enhance neighborhood quality of life When should you use zoning and neighborhood design? ___When a zoning code is being revisited or developed ___When a community strategic planning or neighborhood planning process is in place ___When a major development that could change the character of the neighborhood is proposed ___When a community or neighborhood development effort is under way ___When a community or neighborhood appears to be in a downward spiral ___When a neighborhood is in the midst of, or threatened by, changes in population Who should use zoning and neighborhood design? ___Residents ___Neighborhood business owners and professionals (i.e. those who make their living in the neighborhood, although they may not live there) ___Industries with facilities in the neighborhood ___Those with financial interests in the neighborhood (landowners, developers with current plans) ___Neighborhood health and community service providers ___Civil servants – police, firefighters, etc. ___Local government representatives and agencies that serve the neighborhood – city councilors, state representatives, municipal recreation agencies, public transportation, etc. ___Cultural organizations with a venue or base in the neighborhood – museums, libraries, performing arts centers ___Educational institutions, both public and private ___Neighborhood houses of worship How do you implement zoning and neighborhood design? ___Reach out and recruit stakeholders ___Solicit stakeholders’ ideas about the ideal future for the neighborhood ___Hold a series of public meetings where stakeholders can discuss their initial ideas and develop a shared vision for the neighborhood ___Flesh out the vision statement with outcome goals ___Generate concrete objectives tied to specific actions to achieve outcome goals ___Prioritize the lists of goals, objectives, and recommendations ___Identify the necessary zoning changes ___Implement the necessary zoning changes ___Choose a neighborhood design committee or other body to coordinate the effort ___Keep in close contact with everyone involved in changing the physical structure of the neighborhood ___If necessary, work with the municipality and developers to attract businesses and residents to the neighborhood ___Encourage neighborhood events, use of new bike and walking paths, public transportation, etc. ___Deliver regular progress reports to the neighborhood on work toward specific objectives and goals ___Revisit the neighborhood plan regularly and revise it as needed ___Maintain momentum indefinitely