Communicating with parents about prevention: ___You empower parents rather than correct them ___You treat parents with respect ___You listen to parents without judgment ___You appreciate parents and the job they are doing ___You build on the expertise of parents ___You offer information and assistance to parents about prevention ___You offer opportunities for parents to get together ___You encourage parents to advocate for their children when necessary ___You get additional help for parents and families when necessary Parents preventing their children's risky or dangerous behavior: ___Stay connected with your children and teens: Listen You appreciate your children You play with your children You set up "special time" with your children You show affection and caring You help children express their emotion You persist when your child and you temporarily disconnect You appreciate yourself, even when you cannot do all these things ___Talk to children about your values and expectations: You communicate and model your values You tell your children what you expect from them ___Give children information about drugs, alcohol, tobacco, weight loss, unsafe sex, violence, etc.: You give them accurate information You encourage them to ask questions ___Help children build skills in making decisions: Encourage sound decision-making Set sensible limits Keep your child's environment safe Teach refusal skills ___Get the help you need and support you need as a parent