___You understand what action planning is. ___You understand why action planning is important, and how it can help your community address a health issue or problem. ___You have reviewed the eight broad components of an action plan. ___You have guidelines for facilitating group meetings, including: resolving conflict, offering encouragement, consensus building, and leading brainstorming sessions. ___You understand how to draft clear and effective vision, mission, objective, and strategy statements. ___You have reviewed guidelines for developing, categorizing, and prioritizing strategies within the context of your community. ___You have reviewed guidelines for developing action steps that address the “what”, “who”, “when”, “resources”, and “communication” aspects of action plan activities. ___You understand the importance and relevance of evaluation within the action planning process. ___You understand why it is important to view your community planning group’s role as that of a “catalyst for change” versus a means of creating the ‘perfect program’, and that small wins should be acknowledged and celebrated. ___You understand that the action planning process is a “blue print for action” that is ever changing, and therefore requires maintenance of collaborative working relationships via communication, feedback, and action plan renewal over time. Contributor Sarah Plau