___You have already chosen which type of training you will use.
___You decided on what the training will accomplish.
- General
- Organization-specific
___You have designed your training session to:
___Develop an individualized training that will best suit your organization's needs.
___Pass on the experience and expertise of members of your organization.
___Give staff members or volunteers experience in training design.
___Offer staff and volunteers additional opportunities for professional growth.
___You have used experts, future learners, and future teachers to design your training session.
Designing the Training
___You learned about the people you will be training.
___You understand the needs of your target audience.
___You have considered the scope of your organization's needs and resources.
___You understand the specific objectives for the training.
___You developed the content of your training session.
___You decided on a format for your training.
___You decided who should run the training.
___You have asked people not involved in the development of the training outline to critique it.
___You recruited participants.
___You developed a way to assess your training.
___You have celebrated your hard work.