Dear Toolbox Advisor,
I am in the final stages of writing a modified version of my current book, Starting and Sustaining Groups that Thrive: Therapist’s Workbook and Planning Guide. This edition, Groups That Thrive: Workbook and Planning Guide, is for a wider audience of non-therapists, such as leaders of self-help and support groups, writer’s groups, work groups, community and networking groups.
I am writing to ask your assistance in finding recent statistics.
I have been unable to find statistics about the number of self help or support groups in the US that are more recent than the last 10 years. Your implement/enhancing-support/peer-support-groups/main page cites 500,000 support groups in the US.
Do you know the source and date of that statistic? Re: “Did you know that there are over 500,000 support groups in the United States? Because they are both inexpensive and effective ways to offer assistance to people dealing with a variety of concerns, support groups have become a common method of serving the needs of people who are experiencing problems in their lives.” [From: ]
Thank you in advance for considering these requests,
Ann Steiner, Ph.D., MFT Certified Group Psychotherapist
Psychotherapist/ Author /Trainer/ Professional Speaker
Recently Released: How to Create and Sustain Groups that Thrive: Therapist's Workbook and Planning Guide
To be Released: How to Create and Sustain Groups that Thrive: Therapist's Workbook and Planning Guide
Board Member, American Group Psychotherapy Association
Lafayette, CA
(925) 962-0060