What is criticizing unfavorable action?
You protest - usually publicly-that the action is:
___Well-meaning, but ill-conceived action.
___A public or private entity putting its own interests ahead of the public good.
___Action, spurred by uninformed public opinion, that harms a cause or target population.
___Actions that sweep problems under the rug.
___Actions that are the result of unthinking prejudice or an ethnocentric world view.
Why criticize unfavorable action?
___You criticize unfavorable action primarily to cancel or change it.
In pursuit of that goal, you may try to:
___Spread the word about the situation.
___Question the assumptions behind the action.
___Correct false information.
___Pinpoint what's wrong with the action.
___Offer alternatives.
___Garner support.
Who should criticize unfavorable action?
___You choose spokespersons who are viewed as knowledgeable and trustworthy, with whom the audience can identify, and with whom they may be familiar.
When should you criticize unfavorable action?
___You anticipate unfavorable action when possible, and criticize it before it begins.
___You react to unfavorable action as quickly as possible in all instances.
___You make your voice heard immediately when a previously unknown action comes to light.
___You protest when new evidence of the unfavorable nature of an action surfaces.
___You criticize immediately when necessary to prevent harm.
___You continue to criticize until your succeed.
How do you criticize unfavorable action?
___Do your research ahead of time
___Be clear and specific
___Support your arguments
___Present clear alternatives
___Offer to work with opponents
___Assume the opponents are of good will unless you know otherwise
___Use media to inform
___Keep it up as long as necessary