Before the welcoming and training session:
___You have decided who should attend
___You have decided who will facilitate the meeting
___You have sent out information for attendees to look over before the meeting
You have made sure new members will receive:
___A Board manual
___Minutes of previous meetings
___Materials developed about the organization and its programs
The welcoming and training session itself:
___You have given everyone nametags
___You made sure everyone has a chance to meet everyone else
___You explained major topics which concern the Board
___You have ensured adequate time for questions and answers
___You made sure new members get involved immediately
After the welcoming and training session:
___You sent out minutes that detail what was said
___You have send out an evaluation form
___You have called the new members
You have made sure that new members are able to:
___Take on their roles in the organization both quickly and comfortably
___Feel more connected to one another
___Feel more connected to the organization
___Better understand their role on the Board -- why they were asked to join, and what is expected of them as members
___Operate from the same "script" -- that is, to understand the vision, mission, and their roles in the organization in the same way
___Feel more motivated to do a better job